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(2 edits) (-2)

Nifty game ya got here partner, tense as a bail of hay! The text on the blue screen is cut off while playing 3440x1440 (as can see in video), everything else was great.

Your pal,



Nice Game ^^

Gameplay en español

I enjoyed this game a lot! The graphics remind me of my childhood, so it hits the feels pretty good. Obviously it's a lil indie game, so expectations are not enormous. 

Story: 3/5 - It's a bit vague and the only real insight given is about two conversations with Howard. Maybe adding a bit more interaction with the demon thing (forgot the name, so sorry :/). Otherwise, I think it's a really neat and entertaining concept! :)

Length: 4/5 - Just going along with the Story category and not giving it 5/5 because it'd have to be a bit longer to add insight. Length otherwise was great! Short enough to keep my goldfish-like attention span but long enough where I wasn't disappointed at the ending. 

Graphics: 5/5 - I loved the retro look. That is all :)

Audio: 3/5 - Pretty sure I encountered the "party audio" loop at one point because it got a little quiet. Otherwise, more voice lines would be cool! Or at least some "moan" variations for Howard XD.

Solid job overall! Thanks for the good game experience :)

At the time of this posting, my let's play is still uploading and has roughly an hour left. Check back later if the link isn't working for ya yet! :)


I will be playing this live today 9/5 around 430-5 PM EST =D.


Gameplay não comentado (Uncommented gameplay).

Game have serious issues with FPS dropping whenever looking towards the rooms/front of the house. Also... it made literally no sense whatsoever. While there is a thin line between mysterious and annoyingly empty, this one is on the latter's side. No items, nothing really happens. Okay.....

Sorry to hear that the game isn΄t running as it should on your pc. The game was made in pretty much 4 days so I didn΄t have the time to optimize it as much as I΄d like. As for the story... Firemore will return...

mouse sensitivity is to high ,we need a menu


This game was incredibly aesthetically pleasing! Well played good sir!

I almost died playing the game


Loved it! great style! (its the last game) 

(1 edit)

Great work overall! I don't know why though but i get frame drops when looking towards the inn itself. I also gotta it's really refreshing to find something that doesn't rely on jumpscares to be unnerving.


Amazing game! Loved the aesthetic and environment! Story was cool and fit well in the length of the game! Never trusting Howard again.. 

Haha yeah Howard is kinda sus 😅


The game was amazing. Some little bugs here and there however it didn't deter me from playing the game. I hope more comes out of the game if not a series based off of this game! Overall, give it a try, it's worth it!

More to come really soon. Stay tuned <3


Great creepy atmosphere to this game. The mystery is what really kept me hooked. I wish the ending gave us some more answers, unless this will be a series of games or this is just a demo. Overall though, good creepy game!

This was very cool and very trippy! I really enjoyed the look of it all and the uncomfortable feeling it brought on. The dropped frames in the beginning were a little weird at first, but it felt like it added to the overall atmosphere! A great game overall! 


Great short horror game! I got lost a little bit after one of the sequences until the game dropped me into the final scene, but other than that (which could've been my fault lol) I really enjoyed it! Thanks so much for sharing your game. 

I played this on my YouTube channel, if you'd like to check it out then follow this link!

Great game and really spooky atmosphere! Two small things that bothered me was that sometimes I was a bit lost and didn't know where to go and the camera felt a bit unresponsive and slow for my taste. But apart from that I really enjoyed it!

Here's some actual critique: This could be really well done, if there was more directions. I was there for a while wandering the entire map because I didn't have any hint of what I was supposed to do once I woke up for the first time. Secondly, you can kind of tell there was some sort of story you wanted to tell..? But you didn't really get much of it other than "cult". Just a bunch of random, creepy encounters, which sort of bugged out sometimes. Otherwise it's a great first game :D


Great job on the game man!


I am absolutely IN LOVE with the aesthetics and design! I only wish I had more of this game.

Great game, loved the visuals!


I think that the game was fun to play and pretty well done! Loved the sounds in the game, the music really brought the mood and ambience forward really well. 

The only thing I would say that the game doesn't have is direction. Like, after getting to the room for the first time, it's mostly just a bunch of wandering that happens until something or somewhere the player goes triggers the next scene, it can be frustrating as the game doesn't tell you where to go next, or even if you interact with the book and then there's no indication to go talk to the cashier after you find the book because he wasn't even there a minute ago if you checked.

Other than that, I think the vibe, environment and the premise is pretty interesting and spooky!


This was a pretty good game!


This was pretty solid. There is a slight bug though, when looking at the motel or exploring within the motel the game has mouse skipping issues making it fly at random. Overall, though, not bad. Made a video on it.


Love to see this expanded upon :) 



I think I missed like every jumpscare and was mostly just confused


Loved it. Creepy hotel. Now I hate number 5 hahaha
Played here :)


I thought this was really good, I got so gripped I did not want it to end yet. I hope more comes! As this was so fun. 

Here is my video!


Not bad! There are some good ideas here. There was a camera clipping issue that I used a bit to figure out where I'm supposed to go. It seemed like things were kinda random, or that the triggers were placed randomly, I'm not sure. 

I respect you for not using cheap jumpscares, there were some moments where I really expected you to use them so I'm glad you didn't. Can't wait to see what you do next!

Thanks for making games!

The game is super scary without using much jumpscares but your own paranoya, it is visualy good for PS1 style of game and story is awesome, I just wish there was more to it.I didn't really like the fact that I didn't really know what to do but that is easily fixable using a sort of task mechanics. Also there is a glitch where if you come too close to the walls or doors, you can see through them. Good game.



Cool game. Warping from one spot to another was strange, but still good. Game here: 

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Weird hotel / motels are kinda my thing. Great game.


Great game.  I love the psx graphics and blend of camera fuzz/lines.  For some reason I really like the weird roadside motel games.  Keep up the good work!



I actually really enjoyed this! No jumpscares but still very creepy. 

very cool game to play keep up the good work i have made a video on it 


super cool little game and super creepy! for some reason the fps dropped loads while looking at the hotel. good game though


This was great. Loved the style a horror atmosphere. Great job!

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